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Our teams of experts will support you in your transformation project.

Services de TRIMANE

Data is a valuable source of innovation for optimizing the performance and competitiveness of organizations. As part of its digital transformation approach, TRIMANE offers solutions to collect, store and generate data, based on today’s technological pillars.

Our types of intervention

Data Governance


We develop data management strategies tailored to your context and challenges. From defining reference data to securing it, we support you in every step of your process.

Data Ops

Our approach is based on collaborative automation, fostering collaboration between data managers and data consumers to ensure short cycles and fast ROI. Simplify your deliveries with our automated solutions.

Data Engineering


From the design and implementation of robust data architectures to the modeling and storage of data assets, our team of engineers ensures the secure processing and storage of your data.

Data Architecture


Design, implement and manage data platforms in the cloud, on premise or hybrid. Deploy a target architecture aligned with your company’s transformation strategy and business uses.

Data Science

We extract knowledge from data using innovative approaches such as Artificial Intelligence and its various branches, enabling us to unveil unprecedented perspectives and anticipate trends.

Data Analyse


From the functional study to the maintenance of the complete decision-making chain, we cover the entire spectrum of statistical analysis. This approach guarantees a meticulous design of your journey, delivering quality insights.

Add value to your data,

boost your efficiency and productivity.




Optimize your Data strategy to align your business, organizational and technical challenges. Transform your business and become Data Driven thanks to our Data analysis and consulting capabilities.

Service center


Outsource the management of your Business Intelligence and Big Data information systems with complete confidence. Benefit from the expertise of our teams for the implementation and maintenance of your projects. Our Technical Department oversees the entire process, with a commitment to results.



As an accredited training organization, we provide training courses covering all our areas of expertise, adapted to OPCOs and specialized university programs. Our training courses are designed to equip your teams with the latest skills.



Together, we anticipate technological breakthroughs and use cases thanks to our CBI² research laboratory. These initiatives give our customers the opportunity to stay at the forefront of the latest advances in Big Data technologies.